

Ensure a prompt financial service delivery through effective allocation and judicious use of national resources

To implement enhanced budgetary formulation and render professional public accounts operation guided by principles of responsible financial management (ref. Ch.11 of PFA-2017), Efficiency, Economy, Effectiveness, Equity, Sustainability, transparency and Accountability.

The ministry of finance in its effort to promote good governance and in order to achieve these as an importance has been always stressed to manage and utilize the public resource ethically. The finance section plays an important role in delivering the accounts, budget and revenue services smoothly catering to all the fifteen gewogs and three central schools aside the dzongkhag head quarter with a staff strength of 15 Accounts Assistants and one Finance Officer. With the advancement of development taking place, it is upgraded to Multi-Year Rolling Budget for budgeting (MYRB) and Public Expenditure Management System (PEMS) for maintaining books of accounts which is integrated with other government systems to work in real time basis and thereby reducing a lot of burdens.In delivering the services, we are responsible to perform various jobs through different appropriate modes keeping in mind the turnaround time (TAT) and a set of service delivery timeline which guide us in functioning our day to day affairs of the office.