Nahi Primary School

Nahi primary School is in Nahi village under Nahi Gewog in Wangdue Dzongkhag. The school is connected by feeder road which is 11.5 km from Bajo Town. The school was constructed   in 1980 by the people of Nahi Gewog with the help of Royal Government of Bhutan and in the following year the school was officially opened with 74 students and 02 teachers. Due to the location of the school in the river basin during the monsoon there is a threat to the life and property in the school campus. In the year 2016, the flash flood washed away the bridge and has affected the school campus but the life and property as saved by the teachers and staff of the school by timely intervening and moving the students in the safer area. Due to these difficulties there has been discussions between parents and dzongkhag administration involving ministry of education for relocating the school in the future.