Jalla Community Primary School is located in Jalla village, Rubesa gewog under Wangdue Dzongkhag. It takes approximately an hour’s drive and a day’s journey by foot to reach the school, located on top of a mountain above Ruechekha from WangdueDzongkhag. The school is spread over an area of 3 acre and 0.5 decimals. Jalla Community Primary School, was established in the year, 14/04/1992, by Mr. Tashi, with classes from class PP to III, to cater to the people of the neighbouring villages, i.e. Jalla, Ula and Dema due to the remote proximity of the village. The school was later upgraded to Class VI, in the year, 2004. With the arrival of electricity in the year, 2007, the community felt the need for providing proper accommodation to the school staff, so the construction of the present principal quarter was started in the year, 2008. At present, the school has a Principal quarter, a three unit staff quarter, and a school kitchen and dining hall, which was also constructed in the year 2008, when the school became a WFP beneficiary and a ten unit academic block.At present, the school has four teachers, comprising of the Principal and two non-teaching staff. There are 75 students, 26 males and 49 females studying in the school.