Bjena Community Primary School is located 13Kms from Wangdue town towards eastern high way. The school stands at a place called Teki Agona, approximately 1/2Kms drive above the national high way from Teki Zampa. It is connected by a feeder road. It has 1.45 acres of land.The school was established in year 2004 through gewog proposal and it was formally inaugurated on 17/3/04 by ex-DEO, Mr. Namgay Tshering. The teacher In-charge was then Mr. Nina Singh Darjee. The school caters to the needs of 268 households of Bjena gewog, business community based in Teki Zampa and the NWF of the high way based in Garzikha camp. Presently the school infrastructure consists of a double storied building with six rooms which hoses the office, store, library and four class-rooms. The principal’s quarter was built by the public through UNICEF funding. A two unit teacher’s quarter was built in year 2006-07 by the public while the CGI sheet was provided by the Dzongkhag. The school also has one block which consists of three classrooms. The other infrastructure includes a four unit pit latrine for students and a pour flush latrine for staff.Initially the school has enrolled 13 boys & 26 girls making a total of 39 students. Presently the school has 50 boys & 55 girls making a total of 105 students with seven teachers including the principal and classes range from PP-VI.