This school was intended to establish for the village of Rubesa but a suitable place was not found so it was built in the present location and hence it was named Rubesa. Initially the school was named as Thiligang Community School which later named as Rubesa Primary School. The school was constructed in the cultivated wet land. The school was established in May 3rd, 2004 but then the school was officially inaugurated by the Dzongkhag Education Officer on June 2nd, 2004. The school is located at the heart of the Rubesagewog. The village is the core of Rubesagewog. There was only one building, the classes includes only 38 students of class PP with 2 teachers. The school was running without an official Principal. The school caters to all the villages under RubesaChewogs, being the only primary in the locality.The school is connected by a feeder road which is 12 km away from the main Wangduedzongkhag. A diverted feeder road is connected to the school from TencholingMiltary Training(MTC). The school has facilities to electricity since 2009.The school had its first Principal only in 2006, because of the insufficient classrooms another building was constructed in 2009, and academic block was also constructed on 2014.